Tuesday, February 24, 2009

of blue moons and crime

i usually try not to post too much about work. i figure, it takes up enough of my life - i don't have to write about it too!! along with that, there's the great confidentiality debate... plus we can't give away all our inside tricks & secrets. :) however... i thought this week's highlight deserved a post.

here it is...

i worked a 40 hour work week. *gasp*

i know... shocking! i consider this surprising enough for a press conference; i consider this to be incredibly newsworthy and consider it equally as sad. i thought of trying to figure out the last time i had a 40-hour week, and - frankly - it almost made me weep. needless to say, there have been only 2-3 since i became
an independent (not with a trainer) worker... which was right about 2 years ago.

while i can say (at this point, anyway) that i really like my job, it really hasn't always been the case. the segments of training i've gone through have not been pleasant. the immediate months after said training, where i was deemed a capable employee (i.e. i was responsible to do that job), were full of stress and strife.

has it been worth it? i don't think i'm quite ready to answer that yet. ha
ve i grown as a person?? ABSOLUTELY. so maybe it has been worth it, in that regard. but is it worth all the time i've had to spend away from my family, my friends, myself, my life?? that's a definite no.

what point do the 'absolutely' and 'no' equal out??


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