Thursday, March 26, 2009

another month in the books

i just realized it's been over a month since i posted anything. the past month has actually been a very good one. (i say this like i'm surprised...)

i've had less OT in march, which has been fantastic. i had another 40-hour week in there, which was a huge blessing. i ended up picking up some OT for the end of this month; believe it or not i had actually been feeling kind of guilty about working so little. how's that for messed up! (our individual and group OT hours are posted each month. i didn't want to be at the bottom for filling the least OT! i indeed scorn those at the bottom of the list; it's a group effort, people!)

i was able to attend the out-of-town wedding of my dear friends emily & aj. i had a great time, despite being seriously tired throughout the entire weekend, due to a quick flip back & forth between 3rd and 1st shift sleeping schedules. it was a gorgeous wedding! plus i enjoyed spending 2 days with friends!

speaking of sleeping schedules, we had our shift-bid at work. i will be working 3rd shift indefinitely. i knew it was where i was most likely to end up, and i'm content with it. despite the annoyance of my previous scheduling (month-to-month), it was kind of nice to work a variety of shifts, and to enjoy the pro's of each (i.e. sleeping in EVERY DAY while working 2nds, the normalcy of 1st shift, etc). however, being able to actually plan ahead & know what my schedule will be for the next six months is very settling. i have already been able to plan switching a day off with a co-worker in july to correspond with a family vacation. if i were still month-to-month, i'd have to hope for the best and hold my breath until the end of june, hoping for possibilities.

the month had it's fair share of struggle as well. i wrote a post about that too, but haven't made a decision on actually publishing it here. i'll likely do some editing & post it eventually.

i was able to spend some time with my family - we had a great family dinner in there, i've spent some serious time talking with my sisters, & went to reading time at the library with my niece & nephew. speaking of, it will be seth's 3rd birthday in a few weeks. i'm hoping to spend lots of time with those kids in the next couple of weeks!

i'm off to get myself ready for my 'day'... including a trip to big lots for a few groceries & household items, then off to sweet anne's house for some traditional thursday night tv watching & popcorn and chocolate consumption!


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